
ASFC‏ is directed by the Board of Directors, all of whom are volunteers elected by a General Assembly of founding members. Board meetings are held on a monthly basis, and the approval of a majority of the Board is required for all major policy decisions. The Chairperson of ASFC‏ is also elected by the Board. The General Assembly supervises the activities of the Board, and the Ministry of Social Affairs monitors the organization as a whole. The Ministry reviews ASFC‏’s accounts and conducts regular audits.

A new board of directors will be selected soon in the coming weeks during the annual general assembly meeting.

1- Science &Technology Exploration Center of Port Said (Port Said, Egypt, 05 November 2014)

2- The Mycological Society of Romania (Iasi, Romania, 29 April 2015)

3- The Korean Society of Mycology (Korea, 18 January 2016)

4- Minnesota Mycological Society (USA, 8th of August 2016)

5- The National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Alexandria, Egypt, 29 January 2017)

6- African Mycological Association (Benin, 20 September 2017)